A Practical and Affordable Wearable Breast Pump that actually works!
Embrace every moment, Nurture every drop ™ with our New Lactivate® ARIA ™ Wearable Breast Pump
The ARIA™ is an electric breast pump designed to fit inside your nursing bra to give you a hands free pumping experience- no more cords or tubes!
Australian designed to suit the modern Aussie mum, the ARIA™ features:
Find your Perfect Fit
3 Customisable Modes:
Stimulation Mode kicks in with quick light suction and rhythm to mirror a babies natural sucking to spark milk production. After 2 minutes, your pump will transition into expression mode.
Expression Mode is a slower yet effective pumping rhythm, ensuring a comfortable and efficient milk collection once your milk is flowing. Adjust the settings gradually until you feel a slight sensation, and then ease back slightly.
Mixed Mode is a mixed pumping rhythm of stimulation and expression modes.
Remember, it's all about your comfort - you shouldn't be in pain!
Care Instructions
It's essential to clean all components that come into contact with your breast to ensure optimal hygiene.
Wash all parts, except the pump motor, in warm soapy water before and after every pumping session, as per the Australian Breastfeeding Association’s guidelines. We don’t recommend washing parts in the dishwater or UV steriliser as this can reduce the lifespan of pumping parts.
Allow to air dry or pat dry all of the pumping parts.
Wash your hands and assemble as per instructions.
Why We Love
The Lactivate® ARIA ™ Wearable Breast Pump is a simple electric breast pump that offers Mums the convenience of not being tethered to a wall with wires and tubes. It’s a seamless, quiet, easy-to-use wearable breast pump that fits perfectly snug in your nursing bra.